About Me

"Children need at least one person in their life who thinks the sun rises and sets on them, someone who delights in their existence and loves them unconditionally." - Pam Leo 

Professional Education

I graduated with a Master of Arts in Professional Counseling from New Mexico Highlands University in 1999. I have been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2003. I have worked with a number of non-profit organizations as a therapist, an educator, and as a supervisor of a birth-to-five child maltreatment prevention program. I have been in private practice since 2013.

Specialized Training 


I am Certified Brainspotting Therapist. Using attunement, Brainspotting works on the midbrain at a level deeper than talk therapy to heal the somatic and emotional repositories of trauma. It can be extremely helpful for painful emotions, anxiety, and chronic pain. For more information on Brainspotting, please see this website. 

Healing Relational Trauma, based on Pia Mellody's Post Induction Model

The Healing Relational Trauma framework helps you recognize when you are not acting from your functional adult self and gives you support to heal from a less-than-nurturing past. Goals are to establish (1) a more solid sense of self, (2) better boundaries, (3) definition of your own reality, (4) acceptance of your genuine wants and needs, and (5) appropriate responsibility for yourself while letting go of the desire to control others. We do inner child work to reprocess and heal trauma memories.

Child development and parenting neurodivergent children (autism and ADHD)

In 2009 I became a certified trainer for the Growing Great Kids Curriculum, an international curriculum for home visitors that supports families in getting children ready for school. For five years I conducted two week-long trainings in the use of this Curriculum. I have worked with many moms prenatally and with parents struggling with postpartum anxiety and depression. I also work with parents of neurodivergent children and have a neurodivergent child myself.

FIT (Feedback Informed Treatment)

For three years I used a tool called Feedback Informed Treatment which allowed me to tailor my work to each specific client and gave me clear data that my clients make significant progress in the course of treatment. Research shows that 97% of what is effective in therapy is the client-therapist relationship. I work hard at finding out what works effectively for you and tailoring my practice to your needs. We may identify your triggers and work through trauma (Brainspotting IFS approaches), work toward healthier boundaries and relationship skills, or focus on a holistic/lifestyle approach to decrease your anxiety and calm your nervous system (polyvagal theory).  

Spanish and Cross-Cultural Living

I have lived in countries outside of the United States for 15 years, including Indonesia, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic. I speak Spanish and enjoy working with people from various cultural backgrounds.